To Be Your Own Vision Creator,
Start by Bringing Visions into Creation
Inspirational Stories – Anything Between the Business World and the Private life.
Life for Better or Worse, when we ”Walk the way” –
A paradigm shift for the “GREATEST THINKERS”
Then, what if I say that I have Invented a Way to Concretize The Emotions, so that Everyone Can Understand and Handle Them, and Vice Versa?
THAT We Can Combine Them With the very Concrete World – The Operational World?What does Your Sceptical Sense then Say?
What Does Your Sense Say?
What Do Your Instincts and Intuition Say?
What Do The Emotions Say?
Well, – Here is High Ceilings, and Yes, in Fact We Do Quantify and Combine The State of the Emotions With the Operational State (The Concrete State) – Combined Intelligence.
We Believe in A Future Containing The Combined Intelligence in the Pivot Point in Ourselves and With The Outside World. This is A Brief Introduction.
Sometimes We Walk the Way right Here and Now, at other times We Choose !The Way! We Wish To Walk.
Many people just Walk the Way laid Ahead of Them by the Family, by Social Inheritance, and just By Coincidence – Coincidence(ability), or Simply because Everybody else around them Walk the Way, which makes Sense to the Collective Road – Collective Consciousness.
Throughout Life, I Have Often Chosen My Ways Unconsciously and Caused by the Collective Influence. –
That is why I Learned much About Defining ME, It, and Them. Hence Wholes and Possibilities!
I have also Walked, and Constantly Walk, other peoples’ / Common ways, for example in my job,
the family way, the cultural way – or through the common marriage way. But I still Know What MY Way is.
I Still put Thoughts, Energy, and Focus on the Ways lying Ahead of me. The Ways which I put Behind me, or the Ways I am Walking Right here and right now. Select on and off. I also Focus very much on how I Can keep the Wanted Direction UnderWay – (SUSTAINED)CONSCIOUSNESS(ABILITY)®.
Our Blogs and podcasts are all about Actively selecting a way on, and how We Select a Way off – in order to Select another new one on, and how to Exchange an old way with a new one.
Quite Concretely:
The Inspirational story behind my 5 Camino Walks, and What the Camino has done for Me Personally,
for Us as a Couple and business partners, as we have also walked the Camino together.
What this has meant to our Masculine and Feminine Roles in private as well as in
business life “FE:MALE”(MANAGEMENT)® –“FE:MALE”(CONSCIOUSNESS)– as We are working together.
What it has meant to our daughter of 18 years (at that time), who also walked the Camino, not only once, but two times so far, – and even our 18 year old son is inspired to such extent, that he is planning to do the walk after high school.
How can we Combine and Integrate the Camino in the business world symbolically and carry it through physically and as stories?
How do we Combine the different ways in our life? Whether it is the family way, the way of the
Collective, the professionals’ way or the personal way! Combined intelligence – Combined Consciousness® through the META Duality Theory – (COMBINED)CONSCIOUSNESS(ABILITY)® .
How do we Transform the Passion, which is our Inner Power, and the Power of our Action Through the ways We are Walking, or which are Ahead of us, into Possibilities? – Our Innovation((ABILITY).
How do We Select the Changes We Need? How do We sort those out, which We have Used, or which We do not Benefit from anymore, – or which We are just not Yet Ready to undertake?
How do We seek the Changes We are Missing?
The Inspirational Stories are e.g. Dealing about our Theory with its two parted Law and the Hypotheses
Which it is Built on and Implemented into –in the Course of life – Connecting our Common everyday Life into an Exciting story Telling from Real Life.
This Creates, Extends, and Transforms our Comprehension Ability and Our Combined Intelligence – in our private life and our professional life in a thought –Provoking and Interesting Way.
We turn our Attention Towards the School of Life with all of our Experiences, Our Learned Knowledge, Our Diplomas with our Present Circumstances,
Which Contain all the Answers We are Seeking, Missing, and Looking for – Wholeness(ability) How can We Seek learning to Understand, What We are not Yet Able to Understand?How are our Different State of Intelligence Developed and Transformed, and How Can We Integrate Them Together,*so that we Can Extend our Comprehension(ability) and thus Develop Ourselves in Whole with our Combined Intelligence in order to Achieve Greater Comprehension Through our Combined Consciousness? – Integration(ability) How can We Create Greater Capacity Inside Ourselves, in our families, or in our partner relationship?
How do we Create Greater Capacity in our business life, and how are the different Paths in our life Integrated, so that we can better live a life in Entirety? Capacity(ability).
How can We Become more Conscious about all the Abilities We Contain, as well as those in our Blind Spot/THE SupConsciousness?
How Can we Activate those not Yet Seen, and how do We Develop and Transform the Cap(abilities) of Benefit to Us?
The personal ones, the professional ones, and those in our family relations? – Capacity(ability).
Which is your WHY in Life?
How can you Learn to Understand the World of Emotions More Concretely, and how can you Understand the Concrete world more Colourfully?
They are Two sides of the Same coin – just more different. Exactly like We Humans. We have them both inside us. Depending on who we are, or which Ways we Come from, then we are Trained in Using Ourselves from different Angles. – Operationel & Emotional(Management®) – “FE:MALE”(MANAGEMENT)®
We Help you and Inspire you to Find your Way to WHAT You are Searching for, – what You are Missing or just Want to Develop Further, by Currently telling Our story, Our Individual Signature, why I have Chosen to Construct ANCIENT ACADEMY AND ADVISORY, and what is the Vision, the Passion, and Which is the Driving Force Behind ?!WHY!?
How We have ourselves Worked with the Ideas we Preach about and have Spent many Years of our private and professional lives on! Quite Fantastic Stories close to the most private Thoughts and processes in Life, which we are all Facing Sometimes, but Dare not Speak Loudly About, and Which Influence US, Our work, and the Whole to a Greater Extent.
We put Focus on Deselecting a Way to be Able to Select Another Way. The story bBehind all 5 Caminos across Spain and Portugal, where they all End at one and only One Place, if We Choose To Go The Way Fully – namely Santiago de Compostela.
My personal Camino as a Solo wanderer, Our Camino as a Couple, our Camino as mother and daughter, and our Camino as a Whole family of 6.
Based on Real and Exiting Stories we Draw Parallels which Present and turn everything Upside Down in a Thought-Provoking Way. Whether you are a Manager, a Politician, A Board Member, An Employee or ONE who Seeks, then Get on the train and keep up.
Together with this presentation Blog will be a presentation Podcast, where we personally kick start the journey about Who We are, and what We are Working with.
Follow us through our YouTube & Newsletter for the upcoming dates etc. Through our channels we introduce the various Activities as Exiting online debates or Simply a Presentation of our Courses, Advisory, and Educations.
And finally, We have made a few Video Greetings from Spain, from where We will be Sending Live in the Time to Come.